Soak In The Energy
The Moon is full of energy just waiting to be absorbed and put to good use. Think about it. The moon redirects sun light and glows all hours of the day or night. We can stare directly at the moon because it reuses energy in the vicinity.
We can do the same. The last full moon was potent. Bursting with useful refractive energy. The sky was clear enough in my area that she illuminated all around, gracing us with a beautiful night glow. During these times I put some of my crystals outside to bask in the glow.
I'm a firm believer that our planet and this universe gives our life forms essential vibrations and nutrients. Eating is not the only way we stay healthy. We are what we eat in so many more ways than breakfast, lunch, or dinner. What you think, do, speak, sing, listen to, watch, who you talk to, how you speak, all can give you so much life energy. But what do you consume when it comes to these things? Are you giving yourself life energy?
It’s quite a concept to analyze but my life energy has completely shifted because I listen to what I want and I do not fall for “The Availability Trap” as so eloquently described in Zen & The Art Of Making A Living. Just because something is readily available, doesn't mean we should accept it or not change it. There are so many ways we can manifest different outcomes from any given situation, even things as simple as what we think and how we think it.
There is a lot of non life giving energy ready to swoop in and sway us in the direction of self destruction. But do you focus on that? NO! You accept that it’s all ready and available. It’s very real but that is not the only option or direction. We can go in any direction we desire. What do you desire?
For me, I want to live a long healthy life full of interesting experiences, music, and people who inspire me with their life energy. Their love of life and ability to transform & redirect energy exudes optimism. What we expose ourselves to effects us but our ability to make a choice can turn anything nasty or negative into a better life for all, especially ourselves. I listen to a lot of women sing. I find that women share a lot of beneficial energy with the world. What I observe about mainstream media, socialized behavior, and human history portrayed through scripted feminine avenues is that the narrative surrounding women is SEXIST. There is so much propaganda portraying women, that we are suffering from internalizing all the indecent exposure.
At first when I noticed things like this surrounding us, it made me sick, it made me cry, it made me feel like nothing. I used to get this feeling because I’d been taught by the availability trap to give up, be silenced, and try to minimize my importance. Now I notice it, I’ve acknowledged it was real before and with wisdom, I realize I can Change it with my actions moving forward. By releasing toxic masculinity from what I consume, I’ve been able to change how I move forward and what I choose to do in every moment. Instead of playing a victim to the reality people try to sculpt for me, I will inspire them to change their mind entirely by leading by example.
We are what we eat? Decline the entire mentality by not paying it any attention. You are above that frequency. Focus on your goals and don't be distracted, especially by something with so little wisdom. Things like stones can inspire us to think about life differently. I feel the same way about nature on this planet, it can inspire great change if you take the time to understand its structure, bounty, and it’s power. You can identify with it or you can fear it. We can choose to imagine all that makes up who we are and what we live on or we can stay stagnant while deteriorating. I choose to see that what makes up the moon, the sun, these gemstones, the mountains and myself are the almost the exact same thing on an elemental level, molecular level. It’s our consciousness that gives us the ability to choose what we do with ourselves.
Do you want to go with the flow and accept what you resent on a fundamental level or do you want to be the outside force that redirected what was once in an unnecessarily destructive direction to another direction with a sustainable powerful life giving future?
We have to think outside the box. We have to be a little bit weird to innovate. If we all stay the same and kill ourselves off we can’t make others happy. We can’t make ourselves happy by watching destruction manifest around us. We have to be fearlessly ourselves and speak up in the voice of mercy, compassion and most importantly LOVE. Love that is rooted within ourselves so deeply that we feel for others enough to speak up, to inspire change in the minds of those who are obviously suffering from unloved pain.
We have to make the choice to evolve, knowing our experience contributes to the whole. Knowing you are powerful and have the ability to grow no matter who you are. No matter what people say. No matter what. You are who ever, what ever you decide. Do not let some one else’s experience define yours. We have the power to change the world.
I whole heartedly believe that crystals charged with the moons energy are powerful allies and resources for tapping into personal evolution. It requires out of this world thinking to change the issues of this world. We need to think bigger, deeper and differently than what we can read in any media created in human history. We have to feel. We have to understand. We have to reflect and refract, like a crystal or the moon, to see from another perspective, so people can see us differently, we can see more clearly, and most importantly we learn to work together. Similar to the sun and moon relationship with one another.
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